APSERC Renewable Power/Purchase Obligations

The Electricity Act and National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) provide a roadmap for increasing the renewable energy in total generation. Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) is the obligation mandated by Central/State Regulatory Commission and is applicable to:

1. Distribution Licensee: Power Distribution Companies (DISCOMs);
2. Open Access Consumer: those Procuring power from power exchanges (IEX/PXIL), from traders, through bilateral agreements, etc.;
3. Captive consumer: those Generating and consuming power from captive coal/natural gas power plants (primarily industrial users in cement, steel, chemical etc. sectors.).

The Regulatory Commission in each State mandates a certain percentage of electricity generated through the above process to be from renewable sources.

Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) Obligated entities in the state of Arunachal Pradesh

Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) Compliance Status of Obligated entities in the state of Arunachal Pradesh