APSERC Ease of Doing Business

Best Business Opportunities in Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh is a state of India; its capital is Itanagar. More than half of the population of Arunachal Pradesh is engaged in agriculture, but only a very small portion of the land is under cultivation. Land is cleared by burning the vegetation, is cultivated for several years, and then is abandoned in favour of another site when the productivity of the soil declines. Rice, corn (maize), millet, and buckwheat are among the chief crops grown by this method. Arunachal Pradesh has significant, though largely unutilized, resource potential. Among its resources for generating energy are rivers, coal, and petroleum; most of the state’s power is provided by hydroelectric plants. The Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh has a total population of roughly 1.4 million (as of 2011) on an area of 84,000 km², amounting to a population density of about 17 per km².

Tourism is service-oriented sector which has made rapid strides globally in terms of gross revenue and foreign exchange earnings. The tourism sector stimulates other economic sectors through its backward and forward linkage and cross-sectional synergies with sectors like agriculture, horticulture, poultry, handicrafts, transport and construction. Tourism to Arunachal Pradesh needs to be promoted by an aggressive and well-coordinated marketing strategy and to be successful as a Brand in the market place. Arunachal Pradesh is on the north-eastern tip of India, bordering Bhutan on the west, China on the north, Myanmar on the east and the states of Assam on the south. Part of the Eastern Himalayan ranges, this state covers 83,743 Km². Trekking, mountaineering, wildlife tourism, river rafting and other water sports as well as its peaceful retreats can be promoted under such pristine natural environment. Arunachal Pradesh is a natural garden of more than 20,000 identified species of medicinal plants and many more still remain unidentified.

The Village and Small Scale Industries and Traditional un-organized industries constitute an important segment of our planned economy. This sector has not only continued to play to vital role in fulfilment of Socio-economy objectives but also offer an excellent opportunity for the industrial self-employment and is an ideal answer to the problem like un-employment and proper exploitation of available resources. The District Industries Centres(DICs) and Sub-District Industries Centres(Sub-DICs) play a prominent role for the industrial development of SSI, Tiny and Village Industries. This is an institution at the district level which extends all possible help and guidance to the prospective entrepreneurs for taking up of various industrial ventures in the district. Besides, these Centres offer all facilities to artisans, entrepreneurs and support them with maximum effort under single roof. There are two Industrial Training Institutes and one Rural Industries Development Centre is functioning in the State technical manpower in the State. Besides, these Institutes are also helping the local youth to generate self-employment.


  1. The State Government will encourage the establishment of industrial undertakings in the private and cooperative sectors for the sustainable development of the state.
  2. Employment opportunities and gainful self-employment in industrial and allied sectors for the local populations.
  3. Outside entrepreneurs may be allowed to hold land on lease for a period of 30 years, after which the lease may be renewed for a further period of 30 days.
  4. Development of all industries will be encouraged. To begin with, the following industries will have priority.
    1. Industries based on locally available raw materials.
    2. Electronics and knowledge based industries.
    3. Industries based on non- timber forest produce.